Book a Class

Fit Yoga, Toning Yoga, to Chill Out Yoga…I cover all areas of health and wellness. A real yogic union of mind and body from beginners through to more experienced students.

And booking couldn’t be easier. I offer a pay-as-you go single class or discounts for yogis who purchase class packages.

Not sure what class to book? Feel free to email me for a little help

First class?

If you’ve never been to yoga before remember that everybody has to have a first class.

Simply come along with an open mind wearing clothes that allow you to move easily, a bottle of water and a warm layer to put on after class.

Always try to leave two hours between your last meal and the beginning of Yoga practice.

What to expect

My yoga offers a modern approach by fusing together commonly practiced styles into a dynamic practice. 

Each class will challenge the body, calm the mind and soothe the soul.

Yoga suits all lifestyles, body shapes and ages including pregnancy, middle and advanced years. 

No previous yoga experience is necessary.

During each class options are offered for all levels of practitioner from complete beginner to seasoned yogi and to allow for natural progression into the postures whether online or live.

Classes are open to all levels so that so that you can choose the appropriate options for you. If you know the poses, go ahead and try the more advanced postures. If you’re new, listen to the instruction and your body to safely ease yourself into the flow. 

After class

It’s important to stay hydrated so be sure to have water at hand for when your body wishes.

You might find that you’re really hungry after a class, or not at all, listen to your body and refuel with healthy food as you need.

A good tip is to enjoy a snack  within an hour of finishing, to keep blood sugars balanced.